Friday 3 August 2012

Vocabulary (4)

1. Cathect
    -to invest emotion or feeling in (an idea, object, or another person).

2. Nubilous
   -cloudy or foggy.
   -obscure or vague; indefinite.

3. Amiable
   -having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.

4. Pertinent
   -relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite.

5. Opulence
   -wealth; affluence.
   -great abundance; profusion.

6. Ludicrous
   -so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing.

7. Imbibe
   -drink (alcohol).
   -absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge)

8. Bungle
   -carry out (a task) clumsily or incompetently, leading to failure or an unsatisfactory        outcome.

9. Verbigeration
   -obsessive repetition of meaningless words and phrases, especially as a symptom of mental        illness.

10. Self immolation
     -a suicide by fire, often committed for political or moral reasons as a form of protest..

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Shape Poem

What is a shape poem? For a person who has never heard about that, like me, would google it about the definition. And yes, many people would know that it is a type of poem which is in various shapes. I was informed that we were going to write a shape poem, it was the first experience for me so i think i was quite excited about that. Ms Sheba first showed us some of the examples and taught us how to start a poem. She showed us The Sonnet 18, by Shakespeare, the poem was really beautiful and creatively described the beauty of the lover of the persona. I have learnt Sonnet 18 since high school, until now, i still think that it is the best poem that i have ever seen. There were also some shape poems that her students have done, they were really creative and beautiful. Then, i was thinking that am i capable of doing this too?

After some ice breaking games, Ms Sheba let us paired up to do a shape poem, i was in the same group with Emerlyn. At first, we did not know what should be our theme of the poem, after some discussions, we decided to do a love poem, which is a marriage proposal poem. We thought that it would be so sweet and romantic if a guy would create a poem to a girl, which is like the Sonnet 18. So the shape of the poem definitely would be a ring, a large diamond ring. In the end, we came up with this!

I wonder would there be a guy willing to do this to me one day? =) 
I will be so touched and marry to him right away! <3